Students must meet the following criteria by the end of each course term to be eligible for this award. This award should not be compared to the President's Award for Educational Excellence or be seen as a second tier award. It is meant to encourage and reward students who work hard and give their best effort in school.
The student must meet proficiency (3) or exemplary (4) status on standards by the end of the course term on the student’s report card AND must meet proficiency (3) or exemplary (4) status in each category of the lifelong behavior characteristics (safety, productivity, respect, and responsibility) in each class assessed by the end of the course term.
Students must meet the following criteria by the end of each course term to be eligible for this award. To be eligible for the President's Award for Educational Excellence, students must meet the requirements in Category A and Category B.
A. Academic Achievement:
The student must meet proficiency (3) or exemplary (4) status on standards by the end of the course term on the student’s report card AND must meet proficiency (3) or exemplary (4) status in each category of the lifelong behavior characteristics (safety, productivity, respect, and responsibility) in each class assessed by the end of the course term.
B. Standardized Achievement Test: Achievement in the 85th percentile or higher in math or reading is required.
The school administration has final authority to determine which students receive this award.
WHOAA Award: Wall of Honor of Academics and Activities (8th grade only)
The Wall of Honor of Academics and Activities was established in 2011. This award was designed to recognize 8th grade students who are actively engaged in 3 or more of the Chippewa Falls Middle School extra-curricular club and/or activities, and who have challenged themselves to achieve high academic expectations as well.
To meet the criteria, the student must meet proficiency (3) or exemplary (4) status on standards by the end of the course term on the student’s report card AND must meet proficiency (3) or exemplary (4) status in each category of the lifelong behavior characteristics (safety, productivity, respect, and responsibility) in each class assessed by the end of the course term.
Those students who meet the criteria for the Presidential Award of Excellence will also be recognized on the Wall of Honor with an asterisk next to their name.
The qualifying extra-curricular activities include: All 8th grade athletics, Equestrian, Jazz Band, Show Choir, Talent Show, Forensics, Voyagers, Student Council, STAR, WEB and Special Olympics.