What is ATOD Prevention?
According to the Wisconsin Department of Instruction (DPI), ATOD Prevention programs are “designed to help students avoid or minimize future problems related to alcohol and other drug use"
As part of the CFAUSD’s Strategic Planning, goals and strategies regarding the important of healthy lifestyles were addressed:
–Student Goal: All students will understand the benefits of and practice a healthy lifestyle by making responsible decisions andchoices.
–Strategy: We will evaluate, develop, and implement necessary changes in our curriculum and programs to address issues related to the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.
The Need for ATOD Prevention:
According to Wisconsin DPI, “safe and drug-free environments are essential for optimal learning”.
Numerous risk factors exist within students’:
–Peer groups that put them at risk for developing ATOD use and abuse problems.
ATOD Programs currently within CFAUSD
–5 Elementary-level initiatives
–3 Middle School-level initiatives
–3 High School-level initiatives
–District-wide training in TRIBES
–Resource library
Check out the latest ATOD "Helping Hands" Newsletter below!