What is a master facilities plan and how was it developed?
In March 2014, the Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District issued a request for proposal to solicit responses for assistance to the school district in formulating a long-range facilities master plan. Our proposal called for the development of a plan that would assist the District in:
- Analyzing building enrollment capacity in light of a demographic study to be conducted by the District
- Projecting major capital improvement needs in each building
- Assessing aggregate as well as disaggregated maintenance costs for the District
- Determining the useable life for each District building
- Developing a comprehensive 25-year facility repair/betterment and/or replacement timeline
The District further requested that the facilities Master Plan should recognize and take into consideration its newly created Strategic Plan when considering proposed changes to its facilities.
What is the purpose of the committee?
The purpose of the CFAUSD facilities planning committee is to review all information that has been developed and approved by the CFAUSD Board of Education related to the current conditions of its facilities and make recommendations to ensure those facilities support 21st century learning.
The process will involve participation by members of the community facilities committee in five meetings that will take place over a period of 10-12 weeks. It will also be inclusive in nature; recognizing the importance of both individual thought and the development of consensus through small and large group conversations.
How was the committee formed?
Dr. Eliopoulos, Superintendent of Schools at the time, as well as the Board of Education and Administrative Team have sought out a variety of different stakeholder groups (Parents, Students, Community Members at Large, Elected Officials, Retirees, Health Care, Business, etc.) to ensure the community as a whole has a voice in the facilities process. It was also determined that the committee would have equal representation from all levels (4K-12) as well as equal representation from each building.