REMINDER: There will be a Special Board Meeting on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 6:00 PM in the Middle School Auditorium. The Board will be considering the Elementary Boundary Review Committee's (EBRC) recommendation for potential elementary boundary changes.
This will be my 12th year at CFMS, 25 year total in education. There is a new trend in adolescent behavior; they are hesitant to use their creativity and push them to reach a high level of craftsmanship. Focusing and working diligently on an art piece encourages many positive personal characteristics. I hope to do my best to help my students discover the many benefits of creating and thinking artistically. So they can develop their skills and appreciation for the arts!
Passionate about helping your child develop art skills and art
Last Updated: 6/17/24
As a student in the visual arts, you…
Develop a higher level of self-awareness
Respect and appreciate our own and different cultures
Perceive and understand the past and our ever-changing world
Creatively problem-solve to find multiple solutions and use higher level thinking
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