Mission Statement - Chippewa Valley High School
The mission of Chippewa Valley High School is to provide academically at-risk students with the opportunities to acquire the academic and life skills they need to become contributing members of their home, school and community.
General Purpose of Programs
Chippewa Valley High School exists to serve the needs of high school students who are currently at risk of dropping out of school or who may be at risk or dropping out in the future. The main academic components of the Alternative Programs are credit remediation, improvement of basic/core skills, and vocational awareness and preparation. There is also a focus on improvement of basic social skills and an effort to help students with non-academic issues that are interfering with overall educational success. Elements of Character Education are also woven into each of the programs. While the most immediate goal for students in the Alternative Programs may be academic success and graduation from high school, building the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career and for life in general is also a major focus.
General Overview of Programs
Chippewa Valley High School (CVHS) includes several distinct programs: the PAS Program, the GAP Program, and the Transition Program. All the programs at CVHS are designed to help students build their academic and personal skills with the goal of graduating on time. Those students who are not able meet the requirements to graduate on time are allowed to return to complete remaining academic work and earn their diploma. Please go to the Programs & Services section of the website for more detailed information about the specific schools or programs.