Grades: 9-13
Format: Credit-Based (Independent Study only)
School Day: *12:30-3:30
Description: The Transition Program is a short-term program for students moving in or out of other programs at CVHS or Chi-Hi. The two main groups of students served in the Transition Program are grade 13 students (students who did not graduate on time, but are still motivated to earn a diploma) and students who are transitioning to another educational program at semester. Students who are unsuccessful in other programs at CVHS, may be placed in the Transition Program until certain expectations are met.
* Based on individual circumstances, the school day may be modified further.
Important!! All programs at CVHS include a focus on post-high school planning and individual growth. Positive and appropriate behavior is encouraged and developed by growing and leveraging specific virtues that we all have. Self-discipline, flexibility, perseverance, and gratitude are examples of the virtues we help our students use to be successful in school and in life.
Referral to the Transition Program always comes from school staff. Because of the minimal school time associated with the Transition Program, parents and/or students cannot choose the Transition Program as an educational placement.
The CVHS Transition Program is located in the Northern Industries Building on the Northern Wisconsin Center campus at 2820 E Park Avenue in Chippewa Falls. The mailing address for the program is 1130 Miles Street, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. There is a link to directions and a map below.
For more detailed information about the Transition Program at Chippewa Valley High School, contact Dave Schaller, CVHS Principal, at 715-723-5542, ext. 6401.